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About Us.

Make your special meals an unforgettable experience with Nosh Spice –  Your secret to the perfect Indian meal!

A Few Words About Us

The story Behind Nosh Spice.


The exotics of the east never fail to tickle our senses. My Indo-Islamic roots privileged me to frequently experience these through my culture kitchen.
The big fat Indian meal is not just about the food. It is about the overall experience.
Kebabs, Biryanis, and Korma take me back to my childhood days. My grandmother prepared the tandoor in our courtyard, and my mom and aunts helped with the marination. Soaking in the aroma of food cooked with a large dollop of love and passion, spreading through our home into the neighbours. An irrefutable invitation.
Upon moving to England, I was delighted to share this love for Eastern food with my family, friends, and neighbours.
Nosh Spice is my way of getting my friends to experience Eastern cuisine in its true form.
All ingredients were measured to perfection for that lip-smacking meal into a heart-touching gourmet experience.

Nosh Farmaaiye (have a bite!)


Some of the ingredients have been sourced and packaged from warehouses that also handle cereals, gluten, nuts, peanuts, wheat, barley, soybeans, celery, mustard, milk, sesame, and sulphites. Please read the ingredients list before placing the order.

Shelf Life & Storage

Store container in a cool dry place out of direct sunlight
For potency and ultimate flavor, we recommend using the spices within a space of 7-8 months. Shelf life 12 months.